Evaluation Synthesis of Policy Dialogue

Date: 29/09/2023

Type: Evaluation synthesis


Status: On-going

As part of its 2023 Work Program approved by the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group’s (AfDB or “the Bank”), Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is launching an Evaluation Synthesis of Policy Dialogue. The objective of this evaluation synthesis is to assemble findings, good practices and lessons based on existing evaluation evidence that can help deepen the understanding of the policy dialogue instrument within the Bank, and provide lessons for the Board, Management and Staff to strengthen engagement strategies with Regional Member Countries (RMCs) going forward. 

Furthermore, it will take stock of current knowledge and lessons on undertaking effective policy dialogue as drawn from existing evaluative evidence from the AfDB, other Multilateral Development Banks, United Nations agencies, bilateral agencies, and other development agencies. At this stage, the aim is to learn what works, what doesn’t work and why, when it comes to policy dialogue within the Bank and other sister development institutions.

The evaluation questions will underscore the extent to which policy dialogue interventions have been properly formalized, framed, and operationalized, to achieve the expected results, how the Bank responds to the policies, needs and priorities of the intended beneficiaries, whether the institutional environment provides sufficient incentives to engage in sectoral policy reforms/dialogue, and which instruments are best suited for specific contexts. 

The evaluation synthesis process will entail a desk review, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders and key informants. It will be conducted over a 5-month period, from August to December 2023.

Evaluation Task Manager: Clément BANSE, Chief Evaluation Officer.