
Guided by our approved Work Programme, we normally apply a four-part process: 

The Approach Paper

The “Approach Paper” (sometimes referred to as Concept Paper or Issues Paper) identifies and conceptualizes the objective of the evaluation study, how it will be designed, and how the outcomes will be shared.  This is distributed for constructive comment and feedback from all interested parties.
The Approach Paper sets out the issues, expected focus and outcome, key questions and evaluation methods.  It covers data collection methods and sources of information and includes the proposed schedule of activities, resource requirements, and plan for communication and dissemination of findings and recommendations.
In addition to being distributed to all parties directly involved in the evaluation, the Approach Paper is also publicly disclosed and posted on the website.  This helps to ensure that the evaluation process is transparent to all stakeholders, and helps coordinate their inputs and participation according to a realistic timetable.   

Conducting the Evaluation

As an independent function, IDEV has open access to any documents and information it requires and operations staff cooperates actively in the evaluation process. 
To improve the quality and credibility of evaluation reports, a peer review process is used, starting from the evaluation design and continuing on through to reporting. In certain circumstances IDEV uses consultants, for example: in areas where it lacks expertise or has insufficient capacity; when it needs innovative evaluation methods and approaches; or when it needs input from independent external evaluators/peer reviewers. 

Evaluation Field Mission

Field missions help to guarantee the quality and impartiality of the evaluation evidence. They often include participatory methods, which help to ensure that the views from the ultimate beneficiaries of each project are taken into account.
Triangulation and validation of data generated through different sources is used to compare the information gathered with the opinions of key informants and information from other secondary sources.  Evaluation missions present and discuss a “Debriefing Note” containing preliminary field mission findings in order to ensure accuracy and appropriateness with evaluation stakeholders and development partners. 

The Evaluation Report

IDEV shares the draft report with Bank Management and the recipient country’s authorities, implementing agencies and co-financiers before publishing its findings.  Our latest Evaluation Reports here.  Our Evaluation Reports section can be searched by projects, countries, sectors and policies, providing an invaluable knowledge resource for development professionals, evaluation staff, the Bank and its partners and stakeholders.