Evaluation Of The African Development Bank Group’s Program Based Operations: Private Sector Enabling Environment Cluster

Date: 25/04/2019

Type: Project cluster evaluation

Country(ies): Morocco, Egypt, Seychelles

Status: Completed

The objective of the Private Sector Environment (PSE) Cluster Evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the Programme Based Operations (PBOs) of the AfDB that focused on the PSE. The AfDB conducted these PBOs in five countries (Egypt, Ghana, Mali, Morocco and Seychelles) between 2012 and 2017. This report synthesizes the key findings of the evaluation and draws relevant lessons for the future design and management of PBOs by the AfDB. These lessons have relevance to the AfDB both for the organization of work in the PSE sector as a whole and for the design and management of PBOs in general.

The rationale for focusing on PSE is that the PBOs in this sector are highly relevant to the AfDB’s current strategic priorities for transforming Africa, the High 5s. The PSE is integral both to the AfDB’s ten-year strategy (2013-2022) and to the High 5s where it is integral to the objective “Industrialize Africa”.

The PSE Cluster Evaluation is one of the seven components of a broader evaluation of the use of PBOs by the AfDB during the period 2012 - 2017.

Lessons Learned:

  • PBOs are relevant, and an integral part of the Bank’s portfolio, as they can play a strategic role in satisfying the development objectives of the Bank, and those of African countries and Development Partners.
  • Creating a conducive private sector environment starts with ensuring a stable macroeconomic context, strengthening public sector governance (including procurement rules) and improving access to key (e.g. energy) infrastructure.
  • The achievement of medium- and long-term structural reforms requires multi-level and sustained support in PBO design, programming, implementation and post-implementation.
  • Appropriate dialogue and technical support are important for the systematic and strategic use of the PBO instrument.
  • Successful government implementation of complex reforms in key areas requires adequate collaboration among development partners including the Bank.