Equatorial Guinea: Validation of the Mid-Term Review of the AfDB’s Country Strategy Paper (2018-2022)

Date: 03/03/2023

Type: Country strategy and program evaluation

Country(ies): Equatorial Guinea

Status: Completed

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank (“the Bank”) has completed its validation of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the Bank’s Country Strategy Paper (CSP) in Equatorial Guinea for the period 2018-2022. The validation exercise was an independent assessment of the MTR of the Country Strategy Paper to confirm that the results were credible and based on sound evidence, and to draw lessons for future country strategy MTRs.

Overall, the quality of the MTR was found satisfactory as it highlights the Bank's intervention strategy in Equatorial Guinea. Its format is consistent with the information provided.  It gives a comprehensive report on the implementation status of projects and the planned measures to ensure their success. However, the evidence presented to support the analysis was not exhaustive, and essential details were often omitted. Nonetheless, the MTR’s strategic and operational lessons were based on sound evidence from projects and can contribute to improving cooperation with the country. Constraints to the implementation of the country strategy as well as institutional gaps are mentioned, and the corrective measures proposed in the MTR report are feasible. According to IDEV’s validation of MTR, the following main lessons can be drawn from the implementation of the CSP and considered for the future: (i) set up a liaison office; (ii) build analytical capacity on the deterioration of the economic situation (debt management) and the health crisis; (iii) attach importance to analytical work to improve the quality at entry of projects and better prepare the new CSP; (iv) support the private sector; and (v) favor co-financing. 

Task Manager: Bilal Bagayoko - Evaluation Officer