Sierra Leone: Evaluation of the AfDB Country Strategy and Program (2013-2023)

Date: 01/06/2023

Type: Country strategy and program evaluation

Country(ies): Sierra Leone

Status: On-going

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) has launched the Sierra Leone Country Strategy and Program Evaluation (CSPE) as part of the Independent Development Evaluation’s (IDEV) work program 2022-2024 approved by the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB or “the Bank”). This CSPE will cover two Country Strategy Paper (CSP) cycles, 2013-2017, extended to 2019, and 2020-2024. The active portfolio as of June 2023 includes 32 operations in Sierra Leone, with a total commitment of USD 350.60 million since 2013.

The evaluation will assess and report on the results of the support provided towards the achievement of Sierra Leone’s development objectives, over the past decade, in terms of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability in the areas of multi-sector, water and sanitation, social sector, energy, agriculture, finance, transport, industry and mining. This is the first CSPE for Sierra Leone, and it is expected to provide evidence-based lessons and actionable recommendations that will inform the design of the next CSP and improve the delivery and impact of AfDB assistance in the country.  

The evaluation will use a theory-based approach and will reconstruct a theory of change to form the framework for data collection and analysis. In addition, the evaluation team will use a combination of multi-level reviews and in-depth case studies, qualitative and quantitative methods through document review, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and structured field observations.   

The evaluation is expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2024.

Task Manager: May Mwaka, Principal Evaluation Officer  

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