Scaling up Impact Evaluation

Thursday, 14 July 2016 | 9:00am

"Scaling up Impact Evaluation for better use of AfDB resources” was the theme of a first event on impact evaluation (IE), co-organised by Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV), the Development Research Department (EDRE) and the Human Development Department (OSHD) at AfDB Headquarters in Abidjan. The purpose was to raise awareness among Bank’s Management and staff on the value of IE as an instrument for enhancing development effectiveness, how it can be used to inform and if necessary correct the design of some interventions, and to innovate in programme design, using gathered data and lessons learnt.

Opening remarks

Following the opening remarks by the Evaluator General, Rakesh Nangia, there was a keynote speech by Manny Jimenez, Executive Director of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, on “Impact Evaluation for the African Development Bank: Why and How?”, followed by presentations by AfDB staff:

Presentation by Abebe Shimeles of the AfDB Development Research Department, on Impact Evauation studies that his department has conducted,

Presentation by Rafika Amira (IDEV) on IEs that IDEV has conducted,

Presentation by Jochen Rudolph of the AfDB Water and Sanitation Department, on why the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative Trust Fund supported 4 IEs.This was followed by a panel discussion, moderated by AfDB Executive Director Ronald Meyer, with panelists Sunita Pitamber(OSHD), Abebe Shimeles (EDRE), Osward Chanda (OWAS), Alex Rugamba (Energy and Climate Change Department) and Bouchaib Boulanouar (Agriculture and Agro-Industry Department). 

Panel discussion highlights

Discussion questions were: 

  1. What is the value of impact evaluation (IE) to the Bank?
  2. What value of IE can we demonstrate so far to the Bank? Perspectives from within the Bank (EDRE; IDEV; OWAS) and from other institutions.
  3. Panel discussion questions (EDRE; IDEV; Operations Complexes; Development Partners (DPs); others):
  4. What are the obstacles and opportunities to scaling up IE at the Bank?
  5. What the Bank should do to overcome the obstacles and seize the opportunities?
  6. What role for innovation?
  7. What concrete actions should be taken by Senior Management of ECON, IDEV, and Regional and Sector Complexes to effect IE in the Bank?

The event was attended by approx. 50 Bank staff.

Photos of the event.