Powering Africa Through Interconnection: Cluster Evaluation Report

Date: 10/04/2018

Type: Project cluster evaluation

Country(ies): Benin, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, Mozambique, Namibia, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Djibouti, Ethiopia

Sector(s): Energy & Power

Status: Completed

The evaluation of AfDB-funded power interconnection projects covers a cluster of energy sector operations approved by the Bank during the period 1999-2013. The selection of power interconnection was driven by the fact that it can significantly contribute to regional integration and help reduce the cost of electricity generation, thereby improving the overall energy supply in Africa. During the period under study, the Bank approved 48 projects related to power interconnection, amounting to UA 822 million. The cluster evaluation covers to 6 of these (5 completed and 1 ongoing project), representing 25% of total energy operations approved by the Bank during the 1999-2013 period and a net amount of UA 196 million.

The cluster evaluation was intended to provide inputs to the independent evaluation of the Bank’s assistance in the energy sector as well as the overall Comprehensive Evaluation of the Bank’s Development Results (CEDR). In addition, the evaluation aimed to help Management in strengthening the implementation of the Bank’s 2011 energy sector policy and the 2014 regional integration policy and strategy, by providing insightful results (findings, lessons learnt and recommendations).

The evaluation examined the standard evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, as well as the main project success or failure factors. It also contributed to the CEDR questions of whether the Bank has made a difference in Africa, whether it is maximizing its value as a development partner, and whether it is learning from what it is doing. Lastly, it evaluates a group of projects implemented in different contexts drawing on different sources of information (such as desk reviews, consultation with key stakeholders, and field visits), and using both qualitative and quantitative analytical methods.

Task Manager: Joseph MOUANDA