Niger: Validation of the Mid-Term Review of the AfDB Country Strategy Paper (2018-2022)

Date: 16/02/2023

Type: Country strategy and program evaluation

Country(ies): Niger

Status: Completed

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) conducted a validation of the mid-term review of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB or “the Bank”) Country Strategy Paper (CSP 2018-2022) for Niger. At the time of preparation of the mid-term review (August 2021), the Bank’s portfolio comprised 13 active projects worth a total of USD 620 million, encompassing 8 national and 5 multinational projects. 

The validation aimed to inform the Bank’s Management on (i) the extent to which the mid-term objectives have been or were likely to be achieved, and (ii) the extent to which the mid-term review complied with the Bank's reporting requirements, and (iii) the extent to which the program’s mid-term outcomes were evidence-based. 

The validation found that the CSP 2018-2022 was aligned with Niger's development priorities as defined in the Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES) 2017-2021; with the Bank’s strategies, and with its flagship initiatives. The quality of the mid-term report (MTR) was satisfactory, particularly because it was evidence-based. 

The validation also found that the Bank's presence in Niger enabled it to play a significant role in encouraging dialogue and good coordination with the government and other development partners in the country.  It agreed with the MTR's assessment that the level of achievement of mid-term resultswas globally satisfactory, although lower than expected. Given the challenges related to insecurity, adverse weather conditions and the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall performance of the Bank’s portfolio in Niger was considered appropriate.  However, the Bank needs to strengthen its policy dialogue with the country to anticipate and solve recurrent project implementation problems.

The validation considered that some of the lessons provided by the Mid Term report were still relevant but needed reformulating. It also introduced new lessons in regard to the design of the CSP, which should be sufficiently robust to ensure adequate monitoring of its implementation and expected outcomes. Also, risks should be identified at the level of the results framework in order to roll out timely mitigation measures.

In addition, as part of capacity-building, the Bank would benefit from a specific program on results-based management and public policy evaluation; stronger support of Niger’s monitoring and evaluation network; and better involvement of civil society in the design and management of programs, in particular those related to cross-cutting issues.

Task Manager: Latefa Camara, Evaluation Officer
