Ali Compaoré

Ali Compaoré is an Economist and Evaluation and Operations Specialist with over seven years of solid experience in designing and conducting development evaluations and research on a range of topics in Africa and developing countries and a good and relevant publication record in international peer-reviewed journals.
He has a combined strong and significant operational and analytical working experience gained from international and development organizations including the African Development Bank (AfDB), the United Nations Organizations (i.e., ITC & UNIDO), the World Bank Group (IFC-MAS), the French Development Agency (AFD).
Within the African Development Bank’s Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV), Ali (with Samson) is undertaking an evaluation of counterpart funding at the AfDB. Counterpart funding or cost-sharing in Bank Group-financed public sector projects is addressed in the Policy on Expenditure Eligible for Bank Group Financing, which was approved by the Board in May 2008.

Ali Compaoré holds a Doctorate in Development Economics and a Master's in International Development Economics from CERDI – Clermont Auvergne University/ France with a certificate in Impact Evaluation of Policies, Programmes, and Projects (Majors: Evaluations of development cooperation impacts, impact evaluation design, decision making) from the International Training Centre of the ILO/ UN Campus/Turin.