Liberia: Evaluation of the AfDB Country Strategy and Program (2013-2023)

Date: 13/06/2023

Type: Country strategy and program evaluation

Country(ies): Liberia

Status: On-going

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) is conducting the Liberia Country Strategy and Program Evaluation (CSPE) 2013-2023. This CSPE will cover two Country Strategy Paper (CSP) cycles (2013-2018 and 2019-2023). 

The evaluation will serve both accountability and learning purposes. It will assess and report on the results achieved in the context of the two CSP cycles; and present an opportunity to learn from past experience. In the context of the preparation of the next CSP for Liberia, the objective is to inform decision-making and improve the development effectiveness of Bank’s assistance to Liberia. 

The evaluation will focus on how the Bank's assistance was designed, implemented, and the extent to which the Liberia CSPs have produced results and contributed to national development. It will also determine what aspects of the strategy worked, as well as what did not work, and why. 

IDEV will use a Theory-based approach with both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data.   The evaluation team will be tasked with reconstructing the results framework of Theory of Change based on desk reviews, available documentation, and interviews with the country team. 
This evaluation is expected to be delivered in the third quarter 2023.

Task Manager: Boubacar Ly, Senior Evaluation Officer

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Concept Note_Liberia CSPE.pdf 503.88 KB