IDEV presents its findings at a knowledge-sharing event in Tanzania

Wednesday 04 October 2023

On Wednesday, 04 October 2023, IDEV evaluator Samson Houetohossou joined colleagues from the African Development Bank (AfDB) in an online event to officially launch the 2023 Tanzania Country Focus Report on the theme of Mobilizing Private Sector Financing for Climate and Green Growth, and discuss the findings of the  Mid-Term Evaluation of the Country Strategy Paper (2021-2025)

The AfDB Tanzania Country Office hosted the event, which was moderated by the Country Economist Duncan Ouma. After introductory remarks given by Vice-President Kevin Urama, the presentations of the country focus report and discussions largely revolved around the perspectives for green growth in Tanzania. 

Participants conferred that the country’s economy was strong and resilient despite recent external shocks but that massive investment was needed for climate adaptation and disaster preparedness. There was strong political commitment for innovative climate finance but 94% of current climate financing came from the public sector. Solutions brought to the table were, among others, blended financing packages, de-risking instruments and platforms for crowding-in private sector investments. 

IDEV’s Samson Houetohossou presented the main findings of the mid-term evaluation of the Country Strategy Paper, explaining that the 2023 evaluation  focused on learning, for the continued improvement of implementation of Bank’s program in the second half of the period covered by the strategy. The evaluation noted good results for the infrastructure and business-enabling environment, but more effort was required to scale up the Bank’s support for Tanzania’s private sector. 
IDEV recommended maintaining the focus on sustainable infrastructure and private sector participation, while harmonizing the Bank’s strategic positioning in the agriculture sector and addressing the risks to sustainability. 

Over 40 participants, invited by the AfDB’s Tanzanian Country Office, benefited from the presentations and discussions during the two-hour event. The participants included officials from the AfDB, government ministries and implementing agencies, and the development partners. 

See the presentation made by Samson Houetohossou
