Fostering integrated solutions for sustainable development impact: Lessons from IDEV’s evaluations

Wednesday, 6 October 2021 | 2:00-4:00pm

Where: online

IDEV has undertaken various evaluations on AfDB-funded infrastructure interventions, including i) Impact evaluation of Ghana Fufulso-Sawla Road Project (FSRP); ii) Cluster evaluation of rural electrification projects; iii) Cluster evaluation of urban Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) projects; iv) Cluster evaluation of rural WASH projects; v) Cluster evaluation of Agriculture Water Management (AWM) projects; and vi) Impact evaluation of irrigation projects in Malawi. 

The purpose of our webinar on “Fostering Sustainable Development Impact: Lessons from IDEV’s Evaluations,” was to engage with the Bank’s Management and operations teams working in infrastructure sectors to review lessons and recommendations from evaluations and discuss how they could be applied and integrated into future projects.

The webinar:

  • Discussed critical lessons from the evaluations of the AfDB-funded infrastructure interventions; and
  • Explored appropriate ways to incorporate integrated solutions into the design of future Bank infrastructure interventions.

The 2-hour event was held under the umbrella of the Learning from Evaluation (LfE) initiative, championed by IDEV. 

Download the webinar documents:

- Webinar proceedings

- Lessons notes

Watch the webinar: