Evaluation Week 2018

EW 2018

What was discussed at Evaluation Week 2018?

This year, the conference featured plenary sessions, presentations, panel discussions, a knowledge café, keynote lectures, a professional capacity development workshop, and networking opportunities.

See Evaluation Matters Special Edition dedicated to Evaluation Week 2018

Proceedings, presenations and video coverage:

Day 1 Wednesday 6 September


Knowledge café: Evaluations for Greater Impact in Bank Operations

A lively discussion to draw on the knowledge of a variety of experts across Bank sectors and operations in order to improve the impact of Bank evaluations and, by extension, Bank performance.



Professional development workshop: Gender and evaluation

The workshop aimed to improve participants’ understanding of gender in evaluation, as well as raise awareness on the need to generate and use sex-disaggregated data to measure distributional impacts in Africa.

Moderator: Simon Mizrahi, Director, Delivery, Performance Management and Results Department, AfDB

Presentation: IEG Gender Program: Advancing the Integration of gender in evaluation
Gisela M. García, Evaluation Officer, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), world Bank

Presentation: Experience at IDEV to integrate gender in evaluation: progress, challenges and future proposals
Monica Lomena-Gelis, Principal Evaluation Officer, Independent Development Evaluation, AfDB

Presentation: Progress on Mainstreaming Gender in the Bank
Apolo Peter Kyeyune, Principal Gender Results Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Department of Gender Women Empowerment and Civil Society, AfDB


Discussion on OECD / DAC evaluation criteria 

The discussion was part of an ongoing worldwide consultation on the criteria, which explores the adaptation of the criteria to the new development context and landscape.

Day 2 Thursday 6 September



Opening session

Photos | Video recording 

Welcome Remarks [PDF]
Karen Rot-Munstermann, Acting Evaluator General, AfDB

Welcome Remarks Akinwumi Adesina, President, Afdb [PDF]
Pierre Guislain, Vice President, Private Sector, Infrastructure & Industrialization, AfDB, on behalf of President Adesina

Keynote: Aspirations for Africa - the role of evaluation and learning [PDF]
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa



Discussion: "Are we learning?"

Photos | Video recording 
Moderator: Simon Mizrahi, Director, Delivery, Performance Management & Results, AfDB


  • Per Øyvind Bastoe, Director, Norad Evaluation Department and Chairperson, OECD/DAC Evaluation Network
  • Caroline Heider, Director General and Senior Vice President, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank Group
  • Hanan Morsy, Director, Macroeconomic Forecasting and Research, AfDB





Read the background note 


Discussion I: Bringing down the barriers for PPPs

Video recording 

Moderator: Pierre Guislain, Vice President, Private Sector, Infrastructure & Industrialization, AfDB

Keynote: PPPs in Africa - current state and potential [presentation]
Caroline Heider, Director General and Senior Vice President, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank Group- 

Presentation: What have we learned from AfDB PPP interventions? [presentation]  - Foday Turay, Chief Evaluation Officer, Independent Development Evaluation, AfDB

Panel: Enablers and stumbling blocks for PPPs in Africa

  • Isabelle Van Grunderbeeck, Head of Regional Representation for West Africa, Regional Office for West Africa, European Investment Bank
  • Amadou Oumarou, Director, Infrastructure, Cities and Urban Development, AfDB
  • Maude Vallee, Chief Legal Counsel, Acting Head of Operations, African Legal Support Facility


Discussion II: From lessons learned to action

Video recording 

Panel: What should we do for better PPP development results?

  • Nana Asantewa Afadzinu, Executive Director, West Africa Civil Society Institute 
  • Fatima Hamdouch, Strategic Steering Director, Masen, Morocco [Presentation]
  • Romain Neyrand, Chief Financial Officer, SOCOPRIM

Closing remarks: Key takeaways
Pierre Guislain, Vice President, Private Sector, Infrastructure & Industrialization, AfDB


Day 3 Friday 7 September





Discussion I: Challenges and opportunities for agricultural value chains in Africa

Video recording 

Moderator: Patrick Zimpita, Executive Director, AfDB

Keynote: Nutrition and Inclusion – A Multisectoral Approach [Presentation]
Wambui Gichuri, Director, Water & Sanitation, AfDB

Presentation: AfDB’s support to agricultural value chains development [Presentation]
Girma Kumbi, Principal Evaluation Officer, Independent Development Evaluation, AfDB

Panel: Agricultural value chains in Africa - challenges & opportunities

  • Koffi Amegbeto, Senior Policy Officer, Regional Office for Africa, FAO
  • Fabrizio Felloni, Deputy Director, Independent Office of Evaluation, IFAD
  • Kodjo Kondo, Program Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation, AGRA


Discussion II: Towards inclusive value chain development

Video recording 

Moderator: Youssouf N’Djore, Director, Social Development, World Cocoa Foundation

Panel: Towards inclusive value chain development

  • Aboegnonhou Chaldia Agossou, Seed Services, Benin
  • Sibry Tapsoba, Director, Transition States Coordination, AfDB
  • Enock Warinda, Theme Leader-Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, The Association for Strengthening of Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)

Closing remarks: Key takeaways

  • Fabrizio Felloni, Deputy Director, Independent Office of Evaluation, IFAD
  • Wambui Gichuri, Director, Water & Sanitation, AfDB




Photos | Video recording 

Moderator: Catherine Cudré-Mauroux, Executive Director, AfDB

Keynote: Partnerships to advance supply, demand and use of evaluations [Presentation]
Michele Tarsilla, Regional Evaluation Adviser, UNICEF


  • Abdoulaye Gounou, Head of Office, Public Policy Evaluation and Analysis of Government Actions, Presidency, Republic of Benin / Chairperson, Twende Mbele initiative
  • Abbas Imbassou Ouattara, Member of Parliament of Côte d’Ivoire and Executive Committee member, African Parliamentarians’ Network on Development Evaluation
  • Adeline Sibanda, Chairperson, African Evaluation Association and International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation
  • Laila Smith, Director, Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR) Anglophone Africa


See Evaluation Matters Special Edition dedicated to Evaluation Week 2018