Evaluation of the Implementation of the African Development Bank's One Bank Approach

Date: 12/06/2023

Type: Corporate evaluation


Status: On-going

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB or the “Bank”), is undertaking an evaluation of the implementation of the One Bank approach, which is a holistic approach to meet the needs of the Bank’s Regional Member Countries (RMCs), maximize the use of the Bank Group’s resources, instruments, and competencies across financing windows, and engage both the AfDB’s headquarters and its country and regional offices.

The evaluation is aimed at providing useful findings and lessons for the Board of Directors and Management regarding the implementation and success or otherwise of the One Bank approach.

The evaluation questions will focus on assessing the extent to which the Bank's actions under its five workstreams (business processes, people management, budget management, tools for joint accountability, and change management and communication) identified by Management in response to the 2019 evaluation of the implementation of the Development and Business Delivery Model of the AfDB, have contributed to the implementation of its One Bank approach.  The evaluation would highlight the extent to which the One Bank approach meets relevance, coherence, effectiveness, and efficiency,  and further explore challenges in implementation, while emphasizing on the guiding principles of delivery, quality and joint accountability.

The evaluation will be a process evaluation, utilize a multi-level, mixed methods approach, and include a benchmarking study of comparator organizations, as well as a final technical report. It would be conducted over a 12-month period, tentatively beginning from June 2023.

Evaluation Task Manager: Eric KERE, Senior Evaluation Officer, and Mohammed Jalaludeen ISSAHAQ, Principal Evaluation Officer.
