Evaluation of the African Development Bank Group's Economic and Sector Work, Phase 2

Date: 19/01/2023

Type: Thematic evaluation


Status: On-going

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank (AfDB or "the Bank") is currently undertaking the second phase of an evaluation of the Bank's Economic and Sector Work. An ESW product is an original, stand-alone, and in-depth analytical study on one or more key social, structural, institutional, or sectoral issues or policies supported by the Bank. In some cases, ESWs are carried out in collaboration with Regional Member Countries (RMCs), development partners, and/or research institutions. 

ESW is one of the Bank's key tools for knowledge generation and is essential for the Bank's role as adviser and knowledge broker. It enhances the Bank's financial assistance to RMCs by identifying and analysing the critical challenges and proposing solutions to policy and structural constraints that impede their development. ESWs also contribute to enhancing the quality of the Bank's portfolio. ESW can also inform policy dialogue, stimulate public debate, build analytical capacity, and influence other donor activities. In this perspective, it was agreed to conduct an independent evaluation of the Bank's ESW in two phases, a formative evaluation as the first phase (conducted in 2013) and a summative evaluation as the second phase. This evaluation aims to inform the Bank’s Management and the Board of the quality and impact of ESWs. It will also inform the implementation of the Bank’s new Knowledge Management Strategy 2022–2031 and the AfDB Strategy for 2023–2032, which is currently being developed.

This summative evaluation is theory-based, and the starting point will be the Theory of Change of the Bank’s ESW. It will be drawn up based on Bank documentation, consultation, and reference to international evaluation guidance. The study design will use multiple evaluation instruments: literature review, desk reviews, interviews, questionnaires, feedback sessions with governments and AfDB staff, and a critical analysis of samples of ESW reports to assess their quality and results based on a set criterion. 

The evaluation will be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Task Manager: Clement Banse, Chief Evaluation Officer, IDEV.