
EvalPartnersEvalPartners is an innovative global partnership promoting the use of evaluation in decision-making. Formed in 2012 by the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) and the United Nations, its key members are Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs), UN agencies and other development agencies, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), parliamentarians, national governments and academia.

The objective of EvalPartners is to advance the international agenda for evaluation (EvalAgenda) by promoting the need for and use of evaluations among policymakers and the general public as well as enhancing evaluation capacities. It encourages a broad range of partners and actors to join forces in creating a platform for evaluation capacity development, including strengthening national evaluation capacities. EvalPartners also strives to enhance the capacities of CSOs to engage in a strategic and meaningful manner in national evaluation processes, contributing to improved country-led evaluation systems and policies that are both equity-focused and responsive to under-represented groups.

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank is a Key Partner of EvalPartners and serves on its Executive Committee as well as the Management Team guiding the development of EvalPartners’ Strategic Plan 2023-2030. IDEV previously also served as a member of the External Reference Group for the evaluation of the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, adopted in the context of the EvalAgenda 2020.

In 2022, EvalPartners is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.