Egypt - El Beheira Rural Development Project

Date: 12/02/1999

Type: Project performance evaluation

Country(ies): Egypt

Sector(s): Agriculture & Agro-industry

Status: Completed


The sector objective of the project was to improve the living conditions of the beneficiary population and the country’s trade balance. The specific objective was to increase agricultural and animal production in the El Beheira Governorate, improve health and storage facilities as well as facilitate access to inputs and staple products. The objectives were relevant to and consistent with the country’s agricultural policy, centred on poverty alleviation, the reduction of food shortages and the development of cash crops

Main Lessons

  • Preparation of a project logical framework matrix allows for the identification of key performance and impact indicators needed for detailed and complete technical and economic analysis/evaluation of the project
  • The success of the project also depends very much on the Government honouring its financial commitments
  • The existence of an efficient monitoring-evaluation unit within the project contributes immensely to proper management and coordination
  • Livestock development is an important source of organic matter and fertilizers, which are recommended for use to ensure environmental protection
  • Involvement of beneficiaries in project formulation and management is a decisive factor of sustainability
  • The audit of financial accounts makes project management transparent

Main Recommendations

Recommendations to the Bank:

  • systematically prepare a logical framework matrix for all development projects at preparation, and improve it during project implementation
  • require the study of environmental problems and risks likely to hamper sustainability of the benefits of any development project before loan approval, as well as assessment of the scope of the phenomenon at project completion
  • organize a seminar on the administration of Bank loans for the Borrower and officials of the Executing agency before project start-up

Recommendations to the Beneficiary:

  • take measures to provide appropriate human and material resources so as to avoid frequent delays in project start-up
  • prepare and/or improve the logical framework of all agricultural development projects and establish an efficient internal monitoring/evaluation system within the project;
  • ensure the regular transmission of progress and financial reports in one of the Bank’s working languages
  • speed up preparation of the second phase of the project in order to consolidate the achievements of the first phase and better ensure promotion of the rural world and the transfer of technologies to farmers.