Comparative study of Multilateral Development Bank operating models

Date: 12/06/2023

Type: Ongoing knowledge product


Status: On-going

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB or the “Bank”) is conducting a comparative study of Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) operating models.

In a context where most MDBs function according to a decentralized operating model, the study will compare the operating models of MDBs to that of the AfDB, highlighting the similarities and the differences. The study will specifically focus on how the various MDBs manage their Sovereign Operations and Non-Sovereign Operations and the extent to which they are integrated. It will also consider institutional practices, processes and procedures pertaining to operational delivery.

The primary objective of the study is to draw lessons and good practices emerging from MDBs for consideration by AfDB Board of Directors and Senior Management. The lessons drawn may also serve other institutions. 

The comparative study will consist of a review of key strategic documents from MDBs as well as a review of literature, studies and existing evaluation reports on MDB operating models, decentralization, and One Bank approaches. The review will be complemented by interviews with key stakeholders from the selected MDBs for unique and specific insights into their respective operating models. 

The comparative study is expected to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023. 

Task Manager: Latéfa CAMARA, Evaluation Officer.