Cluster Evaluation of AfDB Rail and Aviation Projects

Date: 11/09/2023

Type: Project cluster evaluation


Sector(s): Transport

Status: On-going

Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank Group (AfDB or “the Bank”) has launched a cluster evaluation of the AfDB-funded rail and aviation projects in its regional member countries during the 2012-2022 period. This cluster evaluation, together with the 2021 cluster evaluation of road and port projects covering the period 2012-2019 will inform the broader ongoing evaluation of the AfDB’s Support for Transport Sector, 2012-2022.

The evaluation will assess the relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the Bank’s support for rail and aviation projects approved during the 2012-2021 period, as well as projects approved before but completed during the evaluation period. It will consider the various forms of the support to regional member countries, namely investment loans and grants, guarantees, equity participation, technical assistance, and analytical and advisory services. The evaluation will also cover the Bank’s support to key regional rail and aviation strategies and programs. 

The cluster evaluation will use a theory-based approach, with both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, including document review, stakeholder interviews, an online survey and field visits. 

The evaluation is expected to be delivered in July 2024.

Task Managers:  Joseph Mouanda, Chief Evaluation Officer, IDEV.1 and Mohammed Jalaludeen Issahaq, Principal Evaluation Officer, IDEV.1