APNODE Webinar : Factors promoting and hampering the evaluation of public policies: Experience from Zimbabwe

Friday, 11 December 2020 | 12:00-1:00am

Cognizant of the essential role evidence and evaluation play in shaping meaningful policies, the APNODE Secretariat, in collaboration with the Zimbabwe APNODE National Chapter, is organizing this webinar to highlight experiences from Zimbabwe about factors that have influenced the uptake of evaluating public policies.

Date: 11 December 2020
Time: 12:00 (GMT)

Questions for discussion:

  • What are the driving factors that enable and promote public policy evaluation at the Parliament of Zimbabwe?
  • Who spearheads the evaluation of public policies at the Parliament of Zimbabwe? And how are outputs of these evaluations used? How are they disseminated?
  • What are the key challenges faced when evaluating policies? And how has the Parliament of Zimbabwe attempted to mitigate these challenges?
  • A key issue with evaluating public policy is the complexity and associated challenges of interpreting the outcomes - correlation vs. causality, the multiplicity of effects and outcomes, attribution, etc. How has the Parliament of Zimbabwe worked around these issues?
  • Central to all evaluations are issues of quality, credibility, and impartiality; and public policy evaluation is no exception. What has been Zimbabwe’s experience with these, and what insights can you share in terms of strategies and efforts to mitigate such challenges?
  • How do parliamentarians apply the results of various public policy evaluations? Is this done in a partisan or bi-partisan manner?
  • How can members of APNODE encourage their fellow MPs to demand and utilize more evaluation evidence in their work to ensure evidence-informed policies?

Moderator: Hon. Sen. Langton Chikukwa, Chairperson of APNODE Zimbabwe

1. Hon. Felix. T. Mhona, Treasurer of APNODE Zimbabwe
2. Hon. Tatenda Mavetera, Secretary of APNODE Zimbabwe

