The African Development Bank strengthens national capacities in five Portuguese speaking countries

Tuesday 21 June 2022

From June 21 to 23, 2022, the African Development Bank organized an institutional capacity-building workshop on project monitoring and evaluation in its five Portuguese-speaking Member countries: Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe.

The workshop, held by videoconference, aimed to improve the performance of projects and programs that the African Development Bank Group finances in Portuguese-speaking countries. More specifically, it aimed to raise participants' awareness and build capacity in planning and measuring project results, quality assurance and reporting tools, and integrating lessons learned from completed projects into these five countries. The workshop gave participants a detailed review of the performance of projects deployed by the Bank in its Portuguese-speaking countries between 2013 and 2021. Around 200 participants took part. These comprised senior officials from the Ministries of Finance and sector ministries of the five countries concerned as well as Bank staff involved in project preparation and implementation.

Two members of the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) team, Clément Bansé, Chief Evaluation Officer and Souleymane Dieye, Senior Evaluation Database Assistant, presented the findings and lessons learned from the review of Project Completion Reports, and gave an overview of the recent evaluations conducted in Portuguese-speaking countries. They then gave a practical briefing on how to use the Bank’s Evaluation Results Database (EVRD).

Clément Bansé said “These learning workshops aim to raise awareness of the necessity to deliver quality Project Completion Reports in a timely manner; present and share the lessons learned on what hinders or fosters the successful implementation of projects. They also serve to introduce staff to the very useful Evaluations Results Database tool at the Bank”.