AfDB Evaluation Week 2022 - Building a stronger and more resilient Africa

Wednesday, 28 September-Friday, 30 September 2022 | All day


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What is Evaluation Week?
The African Development Bank Development Evaluation Week 2022 is an international knowledge event organized every two years by the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) function of the Bank. It is an opportunity to share evidence and discuss what has worked in development, what has not, and why. It brings together evaluators, government policy- and decision-makers, bilateral and multilateral development partners, research and academic institutions, civil society, the private sector, and the staff of the AfDB.

What is the theme of Evaluation Week 2022? 
As African countries emerge from the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, they face the challenge of pursuing their development in a new and different reality. That is why this year’s Evaluation Week will be on the theme of “Building a stronger and more resilient Africa” and will highlight development evaluation as a crucial tool to help build a resilient continent that can face its current and future challenges.  

Why should I take part? 
As a participant, you can engage with decision-makers, thought-leaders, and experts on development evaluation from across the globe and be part of the conversation on ways of building resilience in Africa. So, whether you have a stake in shaping the AfDB’s approach to tackling Africa’s challenges, you need to build your awareness of best practices in your domain of expertese, or you are simply keen to hear the experts share their knowledge, join us at the event sessions online.

How can I take part? 
Please register individually to each of the sessions you would like to take part in.


Program and registration


28 September | Day 1

09:00 - 11:00 | Session 1: Professional workshop for young and emerging evaluators – learning from each other

Young and emerging evaluators (YEEs) represent an important part of Africa's future and the future of evaluation in Africa. Even though evaluation is a growing practice, Africa's young evaluators face many challenges in developing their skills and careers. Following on from discussions among YEEs hosted by IDEV as part of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week in June, this workshop provides participants with a "toolkit" of essential resources, skills and tools for every evaluator.

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Workshop program

Time Activity
09:00 Presentation of the session and introduction of the presenters.  Moderator: Latefa Camara, Evaluation Officer, AfDB.
09:05 The steps required for a rigorous evaluation Presenters: Andrew Anguko, Chief Quality and Methods Advisor, AfDB
09:25 Practical examples of how to use a mixed method approach in the evaluation: Debazou Yantio, Principal Evaluation Officer, AfDB.
09:45 Fit for purpose online resources (e.g., trainings, how-to guides, publications) in development evaluation: Racky Balde, Evaluation Officer
10:05 Panel discussion between the previous panelists on what experienced evaluators look for in CVs when recruiting young evaluators: all presenters
10:20 Q & A session
10:55 Wrap-up and close Latefa Camara, Evaluation Officer, AfDB.



14:00 - 16:00 | Opening plenary: Key challenges facing African people and the continent and the role of evaluation in tackling them

This session will set the tone and focus of the Evaluation Week. It will feature interventions from thought leaders on the key challenges facing Africa and efforts by the AfDB and its partners to tackle them  and build a more resilient Africa. 

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Session program

Time Activity
14:00 Welcome remarks Karen Rot-Münstermann, Evaluator General, AfDB
14:10 Opening remarks on behalf of Akinwumi Adesina, President, AfDB Simon Mizrahi, Vice President (Acting), Technology and Corporate Services, AfDB 
14:25 Keynote Speech: The importance of evidence in decision-making for development impact Walter Odhiambo, Lead Strategy Advisor, Corporate Strategy and Policy, AfDB

Panel Discussion: the role of evaluation in tackling Africa's challenges – building the link between evaluative knowledge and evidence-based project design, policy and strategy.
Moderator: Niels Breyer, Executive Director & Chair of the Committee for Operations and Development Effectiveness, AfDB
Panelists: Hon.Jérémie Adomahou, Member of Parliament of Benin and APNODE Chairman; Fatema Soumar, Executive Director of the Center for International Development, Harvard Kennedy School; Yéo Nahoua, Chief of Staff, Ministry of Planning and Development, Côte d'Ivoire

15:20 Q&A
15:55 Wrap-up and Close Niels Breyer


29 September | Day 2

09:30 - 11:30 | Session 2: Light up and power Africa: Fast-changing paradigms

Despite significant investment by the Bank and progress toward universal access to energy by 2025, access to electricity is still low, at 45%, partly due to Africa's fast-growing population. This session will discuss evaluative knowledge that can inform solutions regarding how power pools should be coordinated so that clean energy can be shared across countries and ways to revitalize and build resilience in member countries crippled by transmission challenges. 

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Session program

Time Activity
09:30 Introduction to participants Joseph Mouanda, Chief Evaluation Officer, AfDB
09:35 Presentation: The use of evaluation by Power Africa Dr. Yugi Nair, Senior MEL Advisor, Team Lead, and Acting Office and Deputy Programme Office Director, Power Africa

Panel discussion: regional power-sharing challenges, energy access and renewable energy solutions 
Discussants: Joseph Mouanda, Chief Evaluation Officer, AfDB; Yugi Nair, Senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor/Team lead, USAID Power Africa; H. P. B. Baldeh, Director, Power Systems Development, AfDB; Monojeet Pal, Manager, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department, AfDB; 

10:35 Q & A
11:25 Wrap-up and close Joseph Mouanda


14:00 - 16:00 | Session 3: Maximizing agricultural productivity to feed Africa during and beyond the imminent food crisis: Lessons on hand

This session aims to highlight lessons from evaluation, research, and experience in agricultural value chains and other associated fields that could inform the design and execution of initiatives aimed at increasing production and contributing to food security in Africa in the face of global food crisis.

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Session program

Time Activity
14:00 Introduction to participants Andrew Mude, Lead for Innovative Financing and SMEs, AfDB
14:05 Keynote: Maximizing agricultural productivity to feed Africa during and beyond the imminent food crisis: Lessons on hand Dr. Martin Fregene, Director, Agriculture & Agro-Industry, AfDB
14:20 Keynote: Boosting agricultural productivity to feed Africa against the looming food crisis Dr. Babafemi Oyewole, CEO, Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO)
14:50 Keynote: Lessons Learned from evaluations on increasing agricultural productivity in Africa  Andrea Cook, Director of Evaluation, World Food Program
15:10 Panel Discussion: Incentives for increasing food production in Africa Moderator: Andrew Mude. Panelists: Babafemi Oyewole; Andrea Cook; Vincent Castel, Division Manager, Agriculture & Agro-Industry, AfDB. 
15:45 Q&A
15:55 Session wrap-up Andrew Mude


30 September | Day 3

09:30 - 11:30 | Session 4: Debt burdens and the economic resilience of African countries: Effective approaches for international finance institutions

The session's main objective is to draw lessons from past debt management practices and reflect on innovative approaches to strengthen African countries' economic resilience in the face of their debt burdens. 

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Session program

Time Activity
09:30 Introduction to participants Eric Ogunleye, Acting Division manager, Policy Management, AfDB.
09:40 Keynote speech: “Overview of the Debt burden and African countries’ resilience in the current crisis context” Speaker: Abdoulaye Coulibaly, Acting Director, Macro-Economics Policy, Forecasting and Research, AfDB.

Panel Discussion
Moderator: Eric Ogunleye
Panelists: Abdoulaye Coulibaly
Jason Rosario Braganza, Executive Director of African Forum and Network on Debt and Development; Jeff Chelsky, Manager, Country Programs and Economic Management Unit (IEG, World Bank); Victoria Chisala, Acting Director, Corporate Strategy and Policy, AfDB

10:45 Q&A
11:25 Session wrap-up Eric Ogunleye

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14:00 - 16:20 | Session 5: Banking on the people of Africa: Improving human and social development + Wrap up of Evaluation Week 2022

This session looks at lessons from evaluations of interventions aimed at addressing social and human development. Apart from discussing evaluative knowledge on human and social development programs from the AfDB and other MDBs, a key aspect will be a look at Africa’s demographic dividend – the miracle and the mirage.

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Session program

Time Activity
14:00 Welcome and introductions Mouhamed Gueye, Manager for Human Capital Youth and Skills Development, AfDB.
14:05 Keynote Speech: The impact of the recession and the inequality gap on jobs, youth, and Africa’s demographic dividend David Huysman, Technical Specialist, International Labour Organization
14:25 Panel discussion: Evaluative evidence on inclusive growth, youth entrepreneurship, and employment perspectives in Africa
Moderator: Mouhamed Gueye, Manager for Human Capital Youth and Skills Development, AfDB.
Panelists: David Huysman, Technical Specialist, International Labour Organization;Sajilu Kamwendo, Head of Outcome & Impact Evaluation, MasterCard Foundation;  Chido Cleopatra Mpemba,  African Union Special Envoy on Youth; Tapera Muzira, AfDB Coordinator of the Jobs for Youth in Africa. 
15:00 Q&A
15:30 Session wrap up Mouhamed Gueye.

Evaluation Week 2022 Closing Ceremony

15:35 Closing remarks Karen Rot Münstermann, Evaluator General, AfDB
15:40 Presentation of illustrations of all sessions Virginie Menot, Illustrator
15:50 Close of Evaluation Week  Karen Rot Münstermann, Evaluator General, AfDB



For questions and inquiries, please contact [email protected]


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