Evaluation of Mainstreaming Green Growth and Climate Change into the AfDB's Interventions: Energy and Transport Cluster

Date: 02/03/2021

Type: Project cluster evaluation

Country(ies): Senegal, Mozambique, Morocco, Cameroon, Rwanda

Sector(s): Energy & Power, Sector(s): Transport

Status: Completed

This project cluster evaluation of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB or “the Bank”) support for and mainstreaming of Green Growth and Climate Change (GG-CC) into its energy and transport interventions is a building block in the overall corporate evaluation of mainstreaming GG-CC into the AfDB's interventions. It covers seven energy and transport projects in five countries: Cameroon, Morocco, Mozambique, Rwanda and Senegal, for a total value of UA 394.4 million. It provides lessons and good practices to enable the Bank to improve the quality and performance of its interventions and inform the development of its new GG-CC strategic framework.

The evaluation aimed to address two key questions: How well has the Bank mainstreamed GG-CC into its energy and transport sector interventions? and How well have Bank-funded energy and transport sector projects that mainstream GG-CC performed in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability?

The evaluation found that the Bank has increasingly enhanced the integration of GG-CC principles into its sectoral policies and strategies, particularly in the energy sector, where the Bank has successfully mobilized and leveraged climate funds to finance major energy infrastructure projects. Transport sector interventions suffered from the lack of a strategic framework and specific policies and guidance to support the practical integration of GG-CC considerations. The evaluation also noted that a lack of coherence in regional responsibilities across Africa is a barrier to developing appropriate GG-CC solutions, particularly regarding harmonized technical standards in the transport sector.

Lessons drawn from the evaluation include the importance of establishing a clear strategic sector framework supported by complementary policies and strategies in sector interventions. Also, projects that have clear alignment with government priorities, build on long-term sector commitment and country engagement, establish robust institutional mechanisms to support financial sustainability, and effectively engage with end-users from the start have the greatest likelihood of sustainability.


Task Manager: Mabarakissa Diomande, Senior Evaluation Officer