Learning Workshop

Towards Private Sector-Led Growth - Knowledge-sharing and peer-learning event

Drawing on lessons learnt from an earlier presentation in Oslo, the AfDB’s Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV), and Norad’s Evaluation Department (NoradDev) are co-organizing this dialogue forum in Kenya to share evaluative knowledge to enhance the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of future private sector development activities.

Bank Staff discuss Program Based Operations in a series of workshops in Pretoria, Nairobi, and Abidjan.

On 26 June 2019, around 30 staff members of the African Development Bank (AfDB or the Bank) discussed “Optimizing the Bank’s Program Based Operations (PBOs) Support as a Package” in a workshop at the Bank’s headquarters in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The event was the third in a series of workshops organized jointly by IDEV and the Bank's Governance & Public Financial Management Coordination Office.

Private Sector, Infrastructure and Industrialization Complex and IDEV share lessons to boost private sector role in Africa’s development

The African Development Bank’s (AfDB or “Bank”) Private Sector, Infrastructure and Industrialization Complex (PIVP) and Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV), co-hosted a knowledge-sharing event entitled « Learning from Action » on 30 October, to discuss ways to boost private sector involvement in Africa’s development.