2022 Annual Report: Adding Value to the AfDB's Work


The year 2022 marked the first year of execution of IDEV’s 2022-2024 work program, with a number of evaluations remaining from the previous work program. IDEV continued to fulfil its three-pronged mandate: to promote learning, accountability, and an evaluation culture in the Bank and its Regional Member Countries (RMCs). Furthermore, IDEV evaluators started heading back to the office and resumed field missions, adding to the depth and quality of evaluations.


Message from the AfDB CODE Chair

Niels Breyer

"As the evaluation function at the Bank continues to adapt and improve its way of working, it is poised to deliver crucial knowledge and learning from experience to the Bank during a time that the institution itself continues to grow and strengthen its development impact."


Message from the AfDB Senior Vice President

Swazi Tshabalala

"In 2022, IDEV added value at various steps to inform, support, and enhance the Bank’s development of its new long-term strategy, its engagement and advocacy to foster the resilience of its RMCs to domestic and external shocks, and its implementation of its long-term investment program, among others."


Message from the AfDB Evaluator General

Karen Rot-Münstermann

"As the Bank adjusted to new realities on the continent in 2022, IDEV delivered a variety of evaluations that added value, depth, and insight in its quest to meet the Bank’s knowledge needs."

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2022 Highlights



In 2022, the first year of its 2022-2024 work program, IDEV added value to the AfDB’s work with findings, lessons, and recommendations from 11 evaluations, disseminated through tailored knowledge products, learning events and capacity building initiatives.


Download 2022 highlights See 2022 Evaluations






Adding value to the Bank's strategic priorities

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As the Bank pursued the preparation of its next Ten-Year Strategy (TYS) (2023-2032), consulting broadly with its RMCs and other stakeholders on issues of regional and global importance and the Bank’s role in addressing them, IDEV provided evidence and tools to inform the development of the new TYS, with an emphasis on inclusive growth and the quality of engagement with various stakeholders.

- Informing the Bank's long-term vision  

- Supporting the response to regional and global challenges  

- Providing evidence to strengthen the Bank's performance  

Download Annual Report

Adding value to the Bank's country engagement and corporate products


By evaluating the implementation of the Bank’s Country Strategy Papers (CSPs), the performance and impact of individual projects, and the quality of the Bank’s results reporting, IDEV brings to the fore the success factors that have a positive impact, and the hurdles that impede country- and project-level performance. 

      - Enhancing country engagement

      - Strengthening corporate products and process

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capa dev


Adding value through capacity development and partnerships 

Evaluation capacity development (ECD) and partnerships are at the heart of IDEV’s objective of promoting an evaluation culture in the Bank and in RMCs. The experience from the COVID-19 pandemic further cemented the need for IDEV to strengthen its own capacities in using hybrid methodologies and tools to enhance the evaluation process, reporting, knowledge dissemination, outreach, and stakeholder engagement.

- Continuous learning to enhance evaluation practices  

- Partnerships for evaluation capacity development  

More on evaluation capacity development Download Annual Report  

Looking Ahead


Looking ahead, the stage is set for IDEV to continue to add significant value to the work of the Bank. In 2023, IDEV will focus on enhancing the feedback loop between evaluations and new Bank interventions through learning events and capitalization workshops. For example, IDEV intends to host a high-level event to explore the recurrent challenges to sustainability in the AfDB’s interventions.

See 2022-2024 Work Program | Download Annual Report