Private-sector stakeholders meet in Kenya for networking, peer-learning, and experience sharing.

Wednesday 05 April 2017

The Independent Evaluation Department of the African Development Bank (IDEV), and the Evaluation Department of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad-Dev) in collaboration with the Regional Directorate - Eastern Africa, AfDB organized a two-day dialogue forum on the 3-4th of April 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya. Billed as a knowledge-sharing and peer-learning event, the forum attracted over 60 participants from the Kenyan public and private sectors, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, development practitioners, AfDB management and staff, and others stakeholders engaged in private sector development.

Central to the issues discussed were the policy and institutional constraints to private sector growth in Africa, how to finance private sector development, the role of small and medium enterprises as growth nodes, and how governments, development partners, and private sector actors can work to create shared-value. Drawing on a combination of keynote speakers, panel discussions, and presentations, the forum interrogated threats, opportunities and possibilities facing private sector-led development in Africa. Participants shared experiences and discussed critical issues needed to forge a meaningful way forward. In doing so, the forum managed to raise awareness on the essence of private sector development to Africa’s transformation agenda, draw attention to the importance of private sector evaluations, and inform policy/decision makers and development partners.  

The event is the second in a series of three IDEV-Norad dialogue forums. The first was held in Oslo, Norway on October 24th 2016, and the third is slated for Pretoria, South Africa in June 2017.

Pictured is Ms. Diariétou Gaye, World Bank Country Director, Kenya with Mr. Rakesh Nangia, Evaluator General, AfDB

Photo album of the event

Private Sector Development Knowledge Event Niarobi