极速赛车正规稳定平台 1分钟极速赛车开奖官网 极速赛车正规稳定信誉平台 Welcome to Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank

IDEV is an independent function tasked with enhancing the development effectiveness of the Bank in its Regional Member Countries. By conducting independent evaluations and proactively sharing best practice, IDEV ensures that the Bank and its stakeholders learn from past experience and plan and deliver development activities to the highest possible standards.

IDEV carries out independent evaluations of Bank operations, policies and strategies, working across projects, sectors, themes, regions, and countries. In addition, IDEV validates the self-evaluation of projects conducted by operations departments.

All of IDEV’s activities are designed to meet the following three key objectives: 

1. To provide a basis for accountability

To key stakeholders including citizens, governments, funders and partners, by evaluating and documenting the impact of the Bank’s activities.

2. To contribute to enhanced learning

Helping to improve current and future policies, strategies, projects, and processes.

3. To promote an evaluation culture

Within the Bank and regional member countries to encourage a process of continuous learning and improvement. IDEV has a wealth of experience, expertise, and knowledge from evaluating the Bank’s development projects across Africa.

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